So, you know what hit me recently? I was on my first face-to-face client visit in a long time and we were chatting about why people consistently come back to BTS to use our services, both candidates and clients alike. I felt so proud to honestly divulge some of the feedback that we genuinely receive. We are lucky enough to be given testimonials regularly with lovely words, praise and compliments. We all feel so privileged when we read them, but I really feel now we need to take the time out to share these with others and start to embrace the positivity.
I tend to notice two major factors in the testimonials received. Nearly all of ours comment on the fact that we listen, something apparently not everyone does in the recruitment world and listening means the right candidates are found, and the right roles are proposed. Secondly, I have seen that most of ours will mention someone personally, and the trust that has been established between an individual and the client or candidate. So, from here on in, as we are not always the first to shout about our achievements, I am going to start posting these and then people can see first-hand what others see when they get to work alongside us closely.
Please also do feel free to look on our website at previous testimonials that we have been given. To give you a flavour of what we do and the service you can expect to receive here is one that we received earlier in the year…
“Bayman Topping & Smythe offer a dedicated and professional recruitment service, they take time to understand your business needs and strive to source the best candidates for your role. They are very knowledgeable on the finance industry and have a proven track record of finding talented, experienced and engaged individuals. Overall, they go above and beyond to assist employers with their recruitment strategy and always understand what it is you are looking for in a candidate”