Mel's first few months......

Posted 5/8/2022 by Claire Bayman

It is now just under 3 months since I joined BAS and how quickly those few months have gone, it’s been like a whirlwind. I can’t even imagine now not having always been part of the furniture. I am lucky enough to have had the pleasure of knowing Claire since we were both about thirteen years old. About three years ago, I walked into a pub and unsurprisingly bumped into Claire, and she was telling me about how herself and Tracy had set up a recruitment firm a few months previously.  Claire asked me if I was interested in helping them both out for about ten hours a week doing a bit of admin work which was great.  Since then, the company has grown significantly and three months ago they asked me if I wanted to be full time.  Obviously, I said yes straight away, and it was the best decision I have made. So, I started at the end of May this year, and everyone has been so helpful and patient in training me (which is still ongoing), they have made it easy for me to settle in and I have felt like part of the BAS family from the first day. The actual role has been fairly easy to grasp, as I have done both Accounts and Administrative work before, it is the recruitment ‘lingo’ I am just trying to get my head around now, which will be a work in progress, but watch this space…I am enjoying working with these fabulous ladies, they are all professional, passionate about their work and they are amazing with both their Clients and Candidates, what else can I say other than this has been a decision well made – let’s just hope they think so too!!


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