It's all about Ali

Posted 30/9/2022 by Claire Bayman

When I finally got to meet Ali Atkinson (even though I had heard so much about her) it was good to finally put a face to a name. Ali was running her own company (Atkinson Resourcing) at the time, and the BTS Directors and her had decided to join forces; hence BAS being born. Therefore, the two Directors became three and Ali has proved to be an integral part of the BAS team. Ali has a dry but hilarious sense of humour and for all she is always so professional, has an incredibly mischievous side and a real twinkle in her eye.

Her passion for recruitment and making sure the right candidates are found is second to none, and the advice and support she gives to everyone daily has been valued immensely. The knowledge she has brought to the table has enhanced the team so much and for that we are all so grateful. Randomly, she is the only person I have ever met that loves reading contracts and the fine print and is categorically the most thorough individual I have come across.

Ali has a special power whereby she always seems to know just the right time to call if someone needs a bit of inspiration or encouragement. In her personal life she loves nothing better than spending time with the family (including Dasha the dog who is clearly the most important…) and will quite often be found at the side of a football pitch either coaching her sons’ Timperley team, or supporting her beloved football team - Liverpool. Having been quite apprehensive about a new Director coming onboard we could literally now not even imagine her not being part of the team…..


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