A late joiner to the world of recruitment after my early days working within my family’s pubs and owning a bar in Ibiza (the quiet side). After starting a family, I wanted a role that would be five days a week but still be surrounded by people and conversation, recruitment seemed like the natural fit. A blend of HR recruitment and international exec search has put me in touch with a variety of people from SME’s to large global organisations.
Away from recruitment I love anything food and wine related – that seems to be a common theme here at BAS. When away from the kitchen you will find me either in the car taxiing my 11 year old to dancing or reading a pop up book to my 11 month old.
The first quarter:
Well, its just coming up to 3 months in to my new role here at BAS and it actually feels like I have been here from the beginning (in a good way might I add). The welcome from the team has made the transition easy for me, it’s a group of people all pulling in the same direction with lots of laughs on the way.
After 10 years working within mainly HR recruitment, I was nervous of the transition into the Finance world, and if it would be for me. I can honestly say I am loving the market and conversations I am having daily, it certainly helps with the knowledge and networks within BAS for any questions that come up. The finance world is certainly more technical than HR, which does take some getting used to however everyone is generous with information.
So all and all a great first quarter in the business with some fantastic people, the balance with work and personal life alongside the trust within is exactly what was described. Claire, Tracy and Ali have really built something special.